
Qualified name: manim.animation.specialized.Broadcast

class Broadcast(mobject=None, *args, use_override=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: LaggedStart

Broadcast a mobject starting from an initial_width, up to the actual size of the mobject.

  • mobject – The mobject to be broadcast.

  • focal_point – The center of the broadcast, by default ORIGIN.

  • n_mobs – The number of mobjects that emerge from the focal point, by default 5.

  • initial_opacity – The starting stroke opacity of the mobjects emitted from the broadcast, by default 1.

  • final_opacity – The final stroke opacity of the mobjects emitted from the broadcast, by default 0.

  • initial_width – The initial width of the mobjects, by default 0.0.

  • remover – Whether the mobjects should be removed from the scene after the animation, by default True.

  • lag_ratio – The time between each iteration of the mobject, by default 0.2.

  • run_time – The total duration of the animation, by default 3.

  • kwargs – Additional arguments to be passed to LaggedStart.


Example: BroadcastExample

from manim import *

class BroadcastExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        mob = Circle(radius=4, color=TEAL_A)
