
The installation instructions depend on your particular operating system and package manager. If you happen to know exactly what you are doing, you can also simply ensure that your system has:

  • a reasonably recent version of Python 3 (3.7–3.10),

  • with working Cairo bindings in the form of pycairo,

  • FFmpeg accessible from the command line as ffmpeg,

  • and Pango headers.

Then, installing Manim is just a matter of running:

pip3 install manim


In light of the current efforts of migrating to rendering via OpenGL, this list might be incomplete. Please let us know <> if you ran into missing dependencies while installing.

In any case, we have also compiled instructions for several common combinations of operating systems and package managers below.

Required Dependencies#

apt – Ubuntu / Mint / Debian#

To first update your sources, and then install Cairo, Pango, and FFmpeg simply run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential python3-dev libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev ffmpeg

If you don’t have python3-pip installed, install it via:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Then, to install Manim, run:

pip3 install manim

Continue by reading the optional dependencies section.

dnf – Fedora / CentOS / RHEL#

To install Cairo and Pango:

sudo dnf install cairo-devel pango-devel

In order to successfully build the pycairo wheel, you will also need the Python development headers:

sudo dnf install python3-devel

FFmpeg is only available via the RPMfusion repository which you have to configure first – please consult for instructions. Then, install FFmpeg:

sudo dnf install ffmpeg

At this point you have all required dependencies and can install Manim by running:

pip3 install manim

Continue by reading the optional dependencies section.

pacman – Arch / Manjaro#


Thanks to groctel, there is a dedicated Manim package on the AUR! <>

If you don’t want to use the packaged version from AUR, here is what you need to do manually: Update your package sources, then install Cairo, Pango, and FFmpeg:

sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S cairo pango ffmpeg

If you don’t have python-pip installed, get it by running:

sudo pacman -S python-pip

then simply install Manim via:

pip3 install manim

Continue by reading the optional dependencies section.

Optional Dependencies#

In order to make use of Manim’s interface to LaTeX for, e.g., rendering equations, LaTeX has to be installed as well. Note that this is an optional dependency: if you don’t intend to use LaTeX, you don’t have to install it.

You can use whichever LaTeX distribution you like or whichever is easiest to install with your package manager. Usually, TeX Live is a good candidate if you don’t care too much about disk space.

For Debian-based systems (like Ubuntu), sufficient LaTeX dependencies can be installed by running:

sudo apt install texlive texlive-latex-extra

Should you choose to work with some smaller TeX distribution like TinyTeX , the full list of LaTeX packages which Manim interacts with in some way (a subset might be sufficient for your particular application) is:

collection-basic amsmath babel-english cbfonts-fd cm-super ctex doublestroke
dvisvgm everysel fontspec frcursive fundus-calligra gnu-freefont jknapltx
latex-bin mathastext microtype ms physics preview ragged2e relsize rsfs
setspace standalone tipa wasy wasysym xcolor xetex xkeyval

Working with Manim#

At this point, you should have a working installation of Manim, head over to our Quickstart Tutorial to learn how to make your own Manimations!