
The easiest way of installing Manim and its dependencies is by using a package manager like Chocolatey or Scoop. If you are not afraid of editing your System’s PATH, a manual installation is also possible. In fact, if you already have an existing Python installation (3.7-3.10), it might be the easiest way to get everything up and running.

If you choose to use one of the package managers, please follow their installation instructions (for Chocolatey, for Scoop) to make one of them available on your system.

Required Dependencies#

Manim requires a recent version of Python (3.7–3.10) and ffmpeg in order to work.


Manim can be installed via Chocolatey simply by running:

choco install manimce

That’s it, no further steps required. You can continue with installing the optional dependencies below.


While there is no recipe for installing Manim with Scoop directly, you can install all requirements by running:

scoop install python ffmpeg

and then Manim can be installed by running:

python -m pip install manim

Manim should now be installed on your system. Continue reading the optional dependencies section below.


While there is no recipe for installing Manim with Winget directly, you can install all requirements by running:

winget install python
winget install ffmpeg

and then Manim can be installed by running:

python -m pip install manim

Manim should now be installed on your system. Continue reading the optional dependencies section below.

Manual Installation#

As mentioned above, Manim needs a reasonably recent version of Python 3 (3.7–3.10) and FFmpeg.

Python: Head over to, download an installer for Python (3.7–3.10), and follow its instructions to get Python installed on your system.


We have received reports of problems caused by using the version of Python that can be installed from the Windows Store. At this point, we recommend staying away from the Windows Store version. Instead, install Python directly from the official website.

FFmpeg: In order to install FFmpeg, you can get a pre-compiled and ready-to-use version from one of the resources linked at, such as the version available here (recommended), or if you know exactly what you are doing you can alternatively get the source code from and compile it yourself.

After downloading the pre-compiled archive, unzip it and, if you like, move the extracted directory to some more permanent place (e.g., C:\Program Files\). Next, edit the PATH environment variable: first, visit Control Panel > System > System settings > Environment Variables, then add the full path to the bin directory inside of the (moved) ffmpeg directory to the PATH variable. Finally, save your changes and exit.

If you now open a new command line prompt (or PowerShell) and run ffmpeg, the command should be recognized.

At this point, you have all the required dependencies and can now install Manim via

python -m pip install manim

Optional Dependencies#

In order to make use of Manim’s interface to LaTeX to, for example, render equations, LaTeX has to be installed as well. Note that this is an optional dependency: if you don’t intend to use LaTeX, you don’t have to install it.

For Windows, the recommended LaTeX distribution is MiKTeX. You can install it by using the installer from the linked MiKTeX site, or by using the package manager of your choice (Chocolatey: choco install miktex.install, Scoop: scoop install latex, Winget: winget install MiKTeX.MiKTeX).

If you are concerned about disk space, there are some alternative, smaller distributions of LaTeX.

Using Chocolatey: If you used Chocolatey to install manim or are already a chocolatey user, then you can simply run choco install manim-latex. It is a dedicated package for Manim based on TinyTeX which contains all the required packages that Manim interacts with.

Manual Installation: You can also use TinyTeX (Chocolatey: choco install tinytex, Scoop: first scoop bucket add r-bucket, then scoop install tinytex) alternative installation instructions can be found at their website. Keep in mind that you will have to manage the LaTeX packages installed on your system yourself via tlmgr. Therefore we only recommend this option if you know what you are doing.

The full list of LaTeX packages which Manim interacts with in some way (a subset might be sufficient for your particular application) are:

amsmath babel-english cbfonts-fd cm-super ctex doublestroke dvisvgm everysel
fontspec frcursive fundus-calligra gnu-freefont jknapltx latex-bin
mathastext microtype ms physics preview ragged2e relsize rsfs
setspace standalone tipa wasy wasysym xcolor xetex xkeyval

Working with Manim#

At this point, you should have a working installation of Manim, head over to our Quickstart Tutorial to learn how to make your own Manimations!